Imagine increasing your pet's energy, vitality and health-span all while decreasing their risk of cancer...
Do you want to learn how to develop an individualized diet and supplement plan, minimize veterinary visits for recurring problems, and protect yourself from the heartache and added expense of costly cancer treatments?
Before I tell you about this amazing program, let's talk about why this information is so important...
Did you know the incidence of cancer in dogs is now five times higher than it is in people?
Only 5-10% of all cancers are due to true genetic causes, AKA bad luck! The remainder are due to the environment! That means that 90-95% of all cancer risk can be changed with lifestyle choices!
Did you know that by the time cancer is detectable with traditional screening tests like x-rays, ultrasound and bloodwork, there are already 1 BILLION cancer cells present in the body?
Have you ever been told by your pet’s veterinarian that “Your pet is completely healthy!” or “All the blood work looks great!” only to get a cancer diagnosis shortly thereafter?
The average cost of pet cancer treatment in the United States is over $4,000, and that is without any specialized staging diagnostics, chemotherapy, radiation or surgery. When these types of specialized treatments are necessary, pet cancer treatments can easily exceed $10,000-$20,000!
Whether you...
Are a pet parent who already knows the importance of diet, minimizing toxins, and a healthy lifestyle, but are unsure how to apply these to your pet’s daily routine to minimize their risk of cancer, this course is for you!
Own and love a high-risk breed and worry because you have been told there is nothing you can do to lower their risk of cancer, this course is for you!
Have lost a pet to cancer in the past and want to do everything you can to prevent that from ever happening to another pet in the future, this course is for you!
Currently have a pet who is undergoing conventional treatment for cancer, but know there is more that can be done to identify the causes so you can prevent it from coming back or spreading in the future, this course is for you!
You're in the right place. I'm going to tell you exactly how Prism Pets Academy: Pet Cancer Prevention Course will give you the best tools, the caring community, and the unmatched support you need on this journey to optimal health and longevity for your pet.
By the end of this program you will have:
A Personalized Prevention Plan
Step-by-step course instruction, with:
1) Individualized diet and supplement plan based on a thorough evaluation of your pet
2) Diagnostics tests that dive deep into causes of cancer that can be hiding under the surface
3) Identification of hidden toxins and drivers of cancer found in your pet's environment that will also benefit yourself and entire family to identify and remove!
An Accurate Risk Assessment
Within the course, you will receive an in-depth questionnaire that will generate a score out of 100 for your pet. This score will be used to determine your pet’s cancer risk and identify areas in your pet’s life that may be contributing to their risk of cancer without you even knowing!
The Scorecard will help us in identifying areas to focus our attention and can be used on any pet, at any time, over and over, as you modify and change your pet’s environment!
Basic & Advanced Solutions
Once you have identified the major areas of concern, you will then learn both BASIC and ADVANCED techniques to address these areas of weakness and correct them for good!
Access to products, tools, supplements and even diagnostic tests that will dive deep into underlying causes will be provided, allowing your pet's energy, vitality, and true health to shine through.
Pivot Based On Your Pet's Needs
You will be given lifetime access to both the course content as well as the Scorecard so that you can complete the course and then retake the assessment over and over, as you identify areas of weaknesses and work to improve and change your pet’s overall health. The Scorecard will be able to be used with any of your pets, over their entire lives!
Your Questions Answered
Are you tired of all the conflicting information available online and unsure where to turn? All of your questions, and then some, will be answered completely!
You will also be given access to three question and answer sessions where all topics surrounding the course content and how to use the Scorecard are answered directly by Dr. Pope!
Ongoing Community Interaction
Once you have completed this introductory course, you will be eligible for Dr. Pope’s private online community where she will personally hold monthly live calls for individual support and case reviews to assist you on your journey! Once the course has been completed, information regarding the online community will be provided.
But above all else...
Prism Pets Academy will give you the tools to advocate for choices to improve energy, vitality and minimize veterinary visits all while protecting your pet from the risk of developing cancer and you from the added expense of costly treatments and heartache.
Scroll below to see what our previous students are saying...
For me, being a veterinary oncologist isn't just about treating cancer, it's about making an impact on the world, and leaving behind a legacy, especially for my patients and the clients I get to serve.
When I first started as a veterinarian in 2011, I knew there had to be a better way to help cancer patients and to provide my clients with better outcomes, higher quality of life for their pets and longer survival times.
Since then, I've worked with countless cancer patients successfully, learning how to increase survival times, improve quality of life and delay the spread of cancer. During this journey, I quickly realized that the protocols I was using on my active cancer patients could be applied to my healthy patients, to identify early causes and drivers of cancer, and correct them before they began to cause a problem. Now I want to share these secrets with you on your journey to maximal health and longevity for your pet.
In all my experience treating the most complex and challenging cancer cases, I have learned the techniques and modalities to use to optimize health and lower your pet's risk of ever developing it. And that's why I'm sharing the Cancer Risk Assessment I've developed in the Pet Cancer Prevention Course with as many people as I can.
So If You're Ready To Transform Your Pet's Health, You're Invited To Join Us Inside:
Prism Pets Academy Pet Cancer Prevention Course
Dr. Pope is so honored to begin sharing this information with pet parents like you. This entire educational program was created to help you collapse the time between where you are, and where you’d like to be in reaching optimal health for your pet.
We’ll provide you with clarity, tools, connections, resources, frameworks, and support to quickly see changes in your pet's health, identifying areas of weakness and guide you on where to spend your time and money to improve outcomes. Knowing where to start and what the greatest areas of focus should be will help to identify exactly what your pet needs.
All content will be taught by Dr. Pope and delivered in self-study format so that attendees can complete the material during the day and times that work best for them. Attendees should allot one to three hours weekly for viewing of videos as well as homework assignments and review of handouts.
In Honor of Pet Cancer Awareness Month...
Join the Pet Cancer Prevention Course from now until November 30th for $1795 $1,295! That's a $500 savings!
And for Black Friday only, we are adding one Live Zoom call with Dr. Pope!!
Step-by-step course instructions explaining;
1) How we found ourselves in a cancer epidemic and what is causing this concerning change.
2) The root causes of cancer and how each one of these increase and affects the risk of cancer in our animals.
3) What is your pet’s risk and tools (both basic and advanced) to lower it!
Risk Assessment Scorecard: You will be provided with an in-depth questionnaire that will create a score for your pet out of 100. This score will be used to determine your pet’s risk and will allow you to identify areas in your pet’s life that may be contributing to their risk of cancer without you even knowing it! This scorecard can be used on any pet, at any time, over and over, as you modify and change your pet’s lifestyle choices.
Once you understand what your pet’s score is, you will be provided with both BASIC and ADVANCED techniques to address these areas of weakness and correct them for good! All attendees will be given access to products, tools, supplements and even diagnostic tests that will dive deep into underlying causes of cancer risk.
BASIC techniques will be affordable, quick, and easy changes that anyone can make to improve an area of concern, whereas ADVANCED techniques will allow pet parents to dive deeper. ADVANCED techniques will provide even more resources so that every improvement plan can be tailored to each family and animal as needed!
Lifetime access to both the course as well as the assessment tool so that you can retake the assessment over and over, as you identify areas of weaknesses and work to improve and change your pet’s overall risk! With any of your pets, over their entire lives!
Frequently Asked Questions
The course is meant to be completed over an 8 week time period. Because it is self-paced, it could be completed faster or longer depending on your needs and schedule!
Each week's content is split up into small, digestible, 10-15 minute lessons. Depending on the depth of content that is being covered that week, there can be between 5-10 lessons a week.
The average time it takes to complete a module is one to three hours.
How Did We Get Here?
• Introduction & Background
• Carcinogens
• Drivers of Cancer
Root Causes of Cancer
• Nutrition
• Environment
• Toxins
Assessing Risk and Taking Action
• Assessment: What’s my Pet’s Score?
• Lowering the Score
• Lowering the Score
In this course you will learn about the causes of cancer in animals that may be hiding in your pet's environment as well as the screening tests and changes you can make to improve your pet's overall health and longevity. This course will help you identify the specific and individual needs of your pet to create an individualized plan for minimizing their specific risk of cancer. As a bonus, through identifying and creating this treatment plan, your pet will experience increased connection with you, improved health, tools for longevity, and a happier healthier life!
Traditional veterinary imaging diagnostics like x-rays and ultrasounds can only detect cancer cells once 1 BILLION cancer cells are present. Traditional blood work and laboratory diagnostics only detect changes once significant abnormalities, usually more than 50-75%! Also, unless cancer is originating in the blood, it is not detectable in blood work! Cancer starts as a single cell and grows until it is one billion cells that are detectable. That means we have time on our side to identify the subtle changes and drivers and reverse them BEFORE they become a problem!
Yes! Anyone who has completed this introductory course will be invited to apply for Dr. Pope’s private online community where monthly live calls discuss case examples to give pet parents real world examples of lifestyle modification in action! Once the course is completed, information providing the private online community will be made available to pet parents who have completed the course.
Yes! Please select the payment option that works best for you and your family’s budget at check out. We are pleased to offer a multipay option so that all pet parents can participate in our community and receive this valuable information!
This self-study option is currently ONLY available as a special offer for Pet Cancer Prevention Month and ends November 30th, 2024. The next time pet parents can participate is not until Spring 2025.
Content will become available Sunday, December 1st.
Dr. Pope, board certified veterinary oncologist and holistic medicine practitioner, personally teaches every module, providing video tutorials and lectures on every important topic. Presentation slides, as well as audio transcripts and associated handouts on various lecture topics will be provided as course material, which you will have lifetime access to for reference and viewing.
They are pre-recorded. This will allow you to watch them at your leisure, whatever time works for you and your schedule.
Yes! Each lesson can be viewed at the pace and time of your choice.
Absolutely! You'll be able to go back to this content again and again and again and be able to utilize it however you need, at whatever life stage your pet is in and really adapt for their specific needs at that time.
Yes! Once you purchase the course, you will be able to fill out a scorecard for each one of your pets. No need to purchase multiple courses if you have multiple pets.
The Scorecard will allow you to take all the information learned through this program and enter it into one large questionnaire. This questionnaire will both clearly allow you to see the areas of concern specific to your pet as well as give you a number out of 100. The higher the number, the higher the risk of cancer. It will help you to identify where to start in your cancer prevention journey and monitor how the changes you are making are actually making a difference!
Any administrative, technical or membership site issues have continual support for troubleshooting during the course via email. As a self-study participant, you will be unable to ask Dr. Pope questions directly until you join her pet parent community following completion of the course. However, live Q&A sessions from previous participants have been recorded and made available to you as many questions have already been asked and answered!
Yes. Completion of this course is a prerequisite to join the online community to ensure that everyone is on the same, level, playing field. This allows for really individualize, targeted support in continuing your education journey. Membership can be purchased monthly, or annually, allowing tailoring of your needs, education, and support.
The really special thing about this course is that because of the personalized nature of the Scorecard, it is beneficial for both! The content in this course will be very eye-opening for conventional pet owners, and help to shift their mindset to a new way of thinking. For the holistic and natural pet parent, the content will dive really deep, teaching information that is not available anywhere else and allowing them to create individualized, personalized action plans.
Yes! As a new puppy owner, you will get all this amazing information at the exact time it is best to get it - as early as possible! This information will help you to be empowered and informed as you are making decisions about vaccines, what to feed, when to spay/neuter; all of these topics will all be covered!
Yes. There are many specialized tests used to assess the health of your pet that are unique and different from the conventional tests that are performed with your regular veterinarian. This course will assist you in where to obtain these tests, as well as what to do with the information you receive, as part of the advanced techniques section of the program.
Yes it can still be helpful! The background, techniques and assessment tools we use to prevent cancer are similar to those we use when supporting cancer patients. This program will help you to dive deeper into a greater understanding of WHY your pet developed cancer so you can begin to pull back those layers and begin addressing them. This course would be most appropriate if your pet with cancer is stable, has a prognosis of greater than 6 months, or is currently in remission and you are looking to prevent relapse or the spread of the cancer in the future.
Yes! I am so honored you are here and want to learn more about cancer prevention for your patients! Although this content and teaching level is aimed at pet parents, because ever lesson topic is heavily cited with research, literature, and scientific references, we have had veterinarians participate in the past that have found it very helpful, and actionable for their practice. It will be a great general overview and insight into this powerful topic for your clients. If you are interested in diving deeper in cancer prevention and treatment, we recommend participating in Dr. Pope’s year long mastermind where you will become a Certified Integrative Cancer Care Practitioner;
The Next Step Is Up To You...
I cannot wait to see the transformation in your pet's health and longevity and for you to finally have total peace of mind once and for all. Join the movement with other empowered pet parents NOW. The only regret you will ever have is waiting a moment longer to begin!
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